Hello, Hi, how are you? and Welcome! Into Our Praise and Worship with Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, and Our God, in Heaven. Here is where we all join in to Praise Our holy Father God and Our forever Savior Jesus Christ, Our Lord, God, and surely Our King! we come to Him with Praise and Love and Worship as we sing and Shout with pure joy and happiness all the time, and any time we feel the Greatness of our Lord, God, Rejoicing with Happiness inside our bodies, minds, and hearts, and our Souls, every day and night when we think of the goodness of Jesus Christ,! dying for all of us and all our Sins, our shame, and any, of our wrongful doings, to one another, Sometimes, we may not realize the hurt that we have done to one another and not have given, a second or third thought about what wrong, we may have done to Misuse someone else, we are here to Praise and worship and Celebrate every day the goodness of our lives and our health & strengths and our minds and souls, to be restrengthen in our Lord, God, and our savior Jesus, and so we come before his feet with Praise and worship and singing, and strengthening and feeding our flesh and bodies, and our minds, We all are here, to enjoy our lives, and to live life, and we are here to enjoy, Seeing lives live, Amen, with His Pure and His Tender Love, as we ask Him daily to continue Blessings To us all, and we are requesting Only Him, To please keeping His Tender Lovin genital Arms, Raptured around us all every day, and night in and throughout our daily lives, Rejoicing and Praising Him, and Singing to Him a Joyful Noise Up To Heaven to Praise Him, In The Holy Name Of JESUS!!! We Welcome You and everyone Into Our Church, SpendingTimeWithErvin. Jesus Christ Is Purified Love to and for everyone in His Entire Nation Here at SpendingTimeWithErvin, a Non-Denominational Ministry, and We Give Great Praise To all our loved ones whom We have Lost before us, knowing that we all have time to go, Rejoice in Him Amen...